EASY TO USE AND TO SERVICE, STURDINESS, RESPECT OF THE NATURAL SOFTNESS AND OF THE COLOURS OF THE GOODS: these are the main ingredients of the success of the RENZACCI DRYERS DIVISION which for ever has participated in the growth of so many entrepreneurs in all sectors of the industry:
If you are looking for a RENZACCI dryer, you can take your pick, since the DRYERS DIVISION offers the following interesting possibilities:
As a confirmation of Renzacci's capability of innovation and exclusiveness of their machines it is worthwhile remembering that in 2013 the PRESTIGIOUS “SMART LABEL” was awarded to Renzacci by the HOST Exhibition 2013 which, involving the Consortium of the Polytechnic of Milan POLI.design, wished to acknowledge the products that distinguish themselves by INNOVATION, EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY. More in particular, the prestigious SMART LABEL chose ECOSAVER, the advanced system that in a simple and original way combines the action of two extremely revolutionary series of machines: the washing machines of the HS range and the totally enclosed dryers of the RZ range which achieve IMPORTANT SAVINGS of ENERGY, WATER